There are a number of fuses located throughout your furnace. All of the fuses are important, but because there are so many of them, it is inevitable that you will occasionally have to deal with a blown fuse. This in itself isn’t a major issue, but if it is something that occurs frequently, you will want to have your furnace inspected by a professional. Frequently blown fuses or an indication that there is a more serious underlying issue. If you live in Centerville, Ohio, or the surrounding areas, Centerville Heating & Cooling will be happy to send one of our fully trained, licensed professional HVAC specialists to examine your furnace and discover why it keeps blowing fuses.
Reasons a Furnace is Blowing Fuses in Centerville, Ohio
Damaged Wires/Short-Circuiting
If your furnace has wiring that is not properly connected, this could explain why you are experiencing frequently blown fuses. This situation can also result in your furnace short-circuiting. Faulty wiring can cause blown fuses, which is bad enough, but even worse, it is also an extreme fire hazard. One of our HVAC experts from Centerville Heating & Cooling can inspect your furnace, determine if this is the issue, and make any necessary repairs right away.
Malfunctioning Thermostat Wiring
Certain types of thermostats are designed with a metal frame. The wires inside these types of thermostats may come into contact or be in very close proximity to one another or to the metal frame itself. This can cause an increase in the voltage, overloading the wires. The central board will also become overloaded, causing it to blow out. This will stop the operation of the draft inducer. The draft inducer is a blower/fan located by the heat exchanger inside your furnace. It carries away the remains of any combustible gases from your system’s heating cycles. This is a critical function, so if the draft inducer isn’t working, your entire furnace will shut down.
Moisture Inside Your Furnace
It isn’t uncommon for a furnace to experience a water leak, and if the issue is addressed and fixed right away, no serious damage will result. However, if the leak is ignored and left to dry up on its own, rust can form inside your furnace, which can lead to the development of a hole in the system. This kind of damage may be irreparable, meaning your entire furnace may have to be replaced. If there is any moisture present inside your furnace, it can cause your system to short-circuit and blow fuses. A professional HVAC technician can assess the situation and make any necessary repairs, perform preventive maintenance, and deal with any damage resulting from the moisture.
Your Furnace’ Gas Valve May Be Failing
If you have a gas furnace and you are having issues with fuses blowing, there may be a problem with the gas valve. The gas valve opens and closes to regulate the flow of gas in your furnace. If it is unable to operate as it should, your furnace will become overheated. This situation also creates a serious fire hazard.
The Air Filter is Clogged
If the air filter in your furnace becomes clogged, your system can overheat, blow fuses, and shut down your HVAC system entirely.
What Does the Air Filter Do?
Your furnace’s air filter collects the dust, debris, dirt, and other pollutants from the heated air that will be circulating in your home.
A Dirty Air Filter Can Cause Problems
Ignoring your furnace’s air filter and allowing it to become clogged prevents air from freely flowing through it. Your HVAC system will become overworked because it will try to force the air through the dirty filter. The motor can burn up and cause serious damage to your HVAC system.
Air Filters and Preventive Maintenance
Every 30 days throughout the cold-weather season, check your furnace’s air filter and replace it if it is dirty. Change it at least once every 90 days while your system is in use, and make sure there is a new, clean air filter in your furnace when you shut it off for the season.
Wrapping It Up: Final Thoughts on Why a Furnace Keeps Blowing Fuses
In most cases, an occasional blown fuse is nothing more than an inconvenience. However, in cases where fuses are blowing regularly, this is an indication that there is a more serious issue. The problem could be faulty wiring, a malfunctioning gas valve, moisture in your system, or a dirty air filter. Don’t try to second guess the situation, and don’t take any chances. To do so may mean having to purchase a whole new HVAC system for your home. If you are in Centerville, Ohio, or the surrounding areas, give Centerville Heating & Cooling a call and let one of our experienced HVAC technicians Look into the situation. Contact us at (937) 353-1169 or visit us online and let us make sure your furnace is in good working order and ready to keep you and your family warm throughout the winter. Our customers are our number one priority, and we pride ourselves on providing the very best HVAC service in the business.